Sunday, August 30, 2009

Project One: Modular Grid Terms

01. Absolute Measurements are measurements of fixed value. For example, the point and pica are the basic typographic measurements and have fixed values.

02. Relative Measurements are based on relationships within the design. For example, character spacing is linking to type size, which means that their relationships are defined by a series of or relative measurements. Leading is another example of this type of measurement.

03. The Point is the unit of measurement used to measure the type of size of a font. This is the height of the type block, not the letter itself. This is an absolute measurement and can be located in front of the font, 12pt Times New Roman. There are 72 points in an inch.

04. The Pica is a unite of measurement equal to 12 points that is used for measuring lines of type. There are six picas in an inch.

05. The Em is a relative unit of measurement used in typesetting to define basic spacing functions and is linking to the size of the type. It is a relative measurement, so if the type size increases the em does as well and visa versa. The em is used for defining elements such as paragraph indents and spacing.

06. The En is a unit of relative measurement equal to half of one em. This type of rule is used to denote nested clauses and can also be used to mean 'to' in phrases like 1987-89.

07. Legibility is a study that resists absolute rules or categorical statements. It is more of an intuition gained through knowledge and experience. Legibility is the ease with which the eye can identify letters and distinguish them from one another. It is determined by formal and physiological influences as well as cultural norms and expectations.

08. Rags occur when highly noticeable shapes form by the line ends of text blocks that distract from simple, uninterrupted reading. This includes noticeable inclines or exaggerated slopes.

09. Type Alignments:

The advantage of flush left alignment is that it is easily read and the most common and traditional alignment considering we read from left to right. The only disadvantage would be the asymmetrical ragged right end, which could cause problems in the design.
The advantage of flush right alignment is that it is effective for setting small bodies of text and captions within an asymmetrical body of text. The disadvantage is that it reduces the readability of the design.
The advantage of centered alignment is that it is effect in the design of single pages in formal context. It also reduces readability.
The advantage of justified alignment is that it creates a neat rectangular text area. The disadvantage is that difficulty of spacing words in order to avoid rivers and excessive spaces.

10. The Word Spacing has traditionally been based upon a space equivalent to the body width of a lowercase ‘i.’ This space can be adjusted to fit a certain design criteria and sometimes the legibility becomes clearer when words are closer. A more fluid sense is created because of fewer interruptions to the flow of the sentence.

11. Rivers usually occur in justified text blocks when the separation of the words leaves gaps of white space in several lines. A river is created when white space gaps align through the text. This is best noticed when flipping the page upside down or squinting at the page.

12. Indentation provides the reader with an easily accessible entry point to a paragraph. There are four basic types of indents such as, first-line, running, hanging, and on a point.

13. Leading refers to the space between the lines of text in a text block. The purpose of this is to allow the characters within the text block room to 'breathe' and make the information easy to read.

14. Kerning is the space between letters that if done correctly ensures a consistent rhythm of intercharacter space, which enhances legibility and readability.

15. Tracking is also known as letter spacing and is the overall space between letters rather than between two characters. By expanding the tracking across a body of text the sense becomes more airy, while negative tracking should be used sparingly.

16. Weight is most commonly known as bold, but can vary from intermediate weights to book, medium, demi, black, or ultra bold.

17. The Scale of a type is the increased or decreased point size. This creates variation, emphasis, and differentiation within the content.

18. Typographic Variation is the incorporation of various weights, sizes, bolds, italics, and fonts to clarify visually for the reader a specific emphasis and prioritization. This variation establishes consistent distinctions between different kinds of content and its importance,

19. An Orphan is when the final one or two lines of a paragraph are separated from the main paragraph to form a new column. This should be avoided at all times.

20. A Widow is a lone word at the end of a paragraph. This should be avoided at all times as well.

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