Monday, March 29, 2010

Journal 08


This article raises the question "Is anything I create as a designer truly my own/ purely unique to me?"

According to Michael Bierut, design has infiltrated into our minds without us even being aware of it! This is a scary thought. We could be copying something and we wouldn't even know it! It is in our unconscious memory. We saw it once and made a note of it and it is coming out in our work.

As a young designer it is important to develop your "own" style and grow in that way, but it is also important to know what has been down before. I learned about Barbara Kruger in one of my Art History classes, but I do not blame this student for never having heard of her. There are a lot of great designers in the world and it would be impossible to be well versed on all of them.

I have a feeling this will happen to me a lot when i first start working. I don't know near enough about the design world. I need to hit the books!

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