Monday, April 5, 2010

Journal 09

I learned a lot during the sequence exercise. It was nice to do a hands on project rather than all on the computer. I learned about mixing organic shapes with more geometric pages. I also learned about breaking up clean pages with more cluttered pages to create interesting rhythm.

I watched a few type in motion videos by Saul Bass. I liked the way the text flowed and the imagery related back to the text. I think this is a very powerful medium and am excited to try it out.

Who is speaking? Senator Robert F. Kennedy

Why was/is the speech important to society? It was the speech given after Martin Luther King was shot

Why do you feel in is important or interesting? This was a turning point in US history to stand up and create unity after such a traumatic event. It was a speech given to inspire peace, love, and unity between all americans.

What is the emotion, mood, tone, personality, feeling of the speech?
The tone of this speech is sad, contemplative, almost like a prayer. It is a prayer to ask the people to overcome this difficult time. to overcome violence and disorder.

What is intonation, emphasis, what is loud, stressed, or soft. Where are there pauses... The speaker takes many pauses between phrases and thoughts.

What do you FEEL should be loud or soft, long pause or ruhed? The speech should be slow, drawn out, dramatic. It gave me chills because of the pacing. I want to draw out the spacing more.

Is there a call to action? When listening to it what are key/emphasized words? Yes the speaker inspires americans to continue Martin Luther Kings dream in their own lives.

How does it make you feel? this speech made me think about racism and hatred. It made me think about todays world and how far we have come. as well how far we still have to go.

How do imagine that the audience felt? the audience was terrified and petrified. they were sad and confused and lost. it was a scary moment. hatred and loss. sadness and revenge.

Could there be another interpretation of the speech? people could think RFK was racist because of the way he says "black people" and "white people"

Robert Francis Kennedy, the son of Joseph Patrick Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1925. His great grandfather, Patrick Kennedy, had emigrated from Ireland in 1849 and his grandfathers, Patrick Joseph Kennedy and John Francis Fitzgerald, were important political figures inBoston. Kennedy's father was a highly successful businessman who later served as ambassador to Great Britain (1937-40).

Kennedy went to Harvard University but his studies were interrupted by the
Second World War. In November 1944 he joined the United States Navy but the war finished before he was called into action. He returned to Harvard and graduated in 1948. This was followed by a law degree from the University of Virginia.

In 1950 Kennedy married Ethel Shakel and their first child, Kathleen, was born on 4th July, 1951.
Joe McCarthy, the controversial senator from Wisconsin, was asked to be the child's godfather. Over the next few years Ethel gave birth to eleven children.

In 1951 Kennedy joined the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice but resigned the following year to help his brother,
John F. Kennedy, in his successful campaign to be elected to the Senate. Kennedy returned to legal work in 1953 when Joe McCarthy appointed him as one of the 15 assistant counsels to the Senate subcommittee on investigations.

Kennedy's first task was to research Western trade with China. He discovered that Western European countries accounted for around 75 per cent of all ships delivering cargo to China. In an interview with the
Boston Post Kennedy argued that: "it just didn't make sense to anybody in this country that our major allies, whom we're aiding financially, should trade with the communists who are killing GIs".

In a speech in the Senate
Joe McCarthy praised Kennedy's research. He also controversially called for the United States Navy "to sink every accursed ship carrying materials to the enemy and resulting in the death of American boys, regardless of what flag those ships may fly."

On 29th July, 1953, Kennedy resigned from McCarthy's office. There is some dispute about why he took this action. In his book,
The Enemy Within, Kennedy claimed he resigned because he "disagreed with the way that the Committee was being run". However, other accounts suggest that it was the result of a dispute with Roy Cohn. When McCarthy supported Cohn in the dispute, Kennedy resigned.

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