Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal 10

The State of the Nation | this video was very mathematical and factual. It was clear and easy to understand. I liked the graphics and the pacing. It was fast and straight forward. It wasnt very inspirational though, which is what the speech project is all about, inspiring people and moving them. Making an impact on them. This video was more matter of fact and poppy. It was educational, but nothing that really moved me.

The Hidden Cost of War | this video was similar to the previous in style and manner, but I liked the beginning of it a lot. I liked the way the type fit into each other and then turned. There were a lot more graphics towards the end, but the initial type treatment was very effective and captivating. This is a technique that I would use in my speech.

How Much Money do we Spend on Food? | this video was a little different than the previous although created by the same designers because it did not have a person speaking. It was all type and image. I thought the way they put the type with the images was clever and effective. I liked the way they layered the type at times to create depth. the type was simple and to the point. It was easy to read quickly and understand.

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