Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jounral 03: Twenty Rules

Important rules:
rule 03: Speak with one visual voice.
This rule is often hard to realize, but basically you have to make sure all of the parts in your design "talk to each other" and make sense together.

rule 07: If you can do it with less, then do it.
I love this rule! I like simple designs and find beauty in clean, crisp layouts etc. I found a book with some business cards in it and some of them utilized only geometric shapes in simple colors and they looked beautiful and sophisticated. I want to try this sometime when applicable.

rule 09: Treat the type as image, as though it's just as important.
This is a good rule to make your design more interesting. You have to be careful with legibility, but if worked well it is a great device.

Need to work on:
rule 02: Communicate – don't decorate.
I feel like at the beginning of projects I tend to just collage images together and don't communicate a clear goal or concept. I usually end up with a clear concept with out decorations, but the beginning is always too decorative for me.

rule 05: Use the one-two punch!
This is a very important aspect of designing. You need to focus the viewers attention on one important thing and then lead them through the rest. I need to practice establishing a clearer hierarchy.

rule 12: Squish and separate.
I don't think about my typography as much as I should. I need to have more variety in my font choices and leading, kerning. I need to make more confident choices and be more bold!

Don't need to work on:
rule 06: Pick your colors on purpose.
This rule is important, but I feel like I have a good sense of choosing colors. I always want to break away from the expected colors, but often realize that the expected is usually the best, but you can make it less expected through form, texture, and arrangement.

rule 08: Negative space is magical – create it, don't just fill it up!
I feel like I am getting better at using negative space especially with my Graphic Design project, the logo design. I have really embraced it.

rule 10:
Type is only type when it's friendly.
This rule is a little obvious. Make type legible and readable.

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