Saturday, February 27, 2010

Journal 05


Sagmeister ist Cool.

How Good is Good?

"I do know that bad design can harm our lives. From the problems this little piece of bad typography caused in Florida to unnecessary junk mail and overproduced packaging, bad design makes the world a more difficult place to live in."

This article made me question the idea of "good design." What is good? and is making something good always the best answer. Should you create something that will win awards or something that makes sense for the business or client. Can bad design be good sometimes? Designers tend to me removed from direct contact with the organization or event they are working to promote or create awareness for. Designers can be just as important, though, as the people directly involved because they are removed. Degrees of separation. If there is a good cause and a good design they work together and create good because design can unify and help us remember. Design can simplify our lives, it can make someone feel better, it can make the world a safer place, it can help people rally for a cause, it can inform and teach, it can raise money, it can make people more tolerant.

This article is the dreamers idea of being a designer: that they can save the world with their designs. I don't think this is a bad way to be, shoot for the stars, but on a more realistic level how many designers really make it to that place where they can really, honestly improve the word? It seems a little absurd to some, but I understand and see the possibilities of good design. Sagmeister is so inspiring because he is honest and because he cares. This article is about the dreamer and shows the possibility a designer has to do something that will spark unity and change. Just think of Sol Sender and the Barack Obama campaign. Design really changed the world of politics and peoples idea of hope! Good design works!

If I were to ask Sagmeister a question it would be how do you make it so good? What is the key element to making people notice your design and think twice about it? He seems to use a lot of hand drawn type, which I feel is a really important tool to making people notice. It is the presence of the artist's hand. His designs are not cold, they have a human touch. People relate to that. I would ask him if he thinks hand drawn type is more impactful and relatable. I would like to try this approach sometime.

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